
My name is Jason, and I can be an asshole… mostly when I don’t meditate.

“Meditation?!?” I would but I….…am too busy. Can’t sit still.  Can’t breathe right.. Hate my head. Don’t have anywhere to meditate. Can’t levitate. Am afraid to close my eyes.”

Said any of that before? Or all of it at the same time. If you’re someone who knows you need to, but can’t meditate, I get you. I was too busy working in advertising, then entertainment, then as an actor, then owning a production company. Too busy doing good for others (ha), too ADHD, too. damn. much.  

After about a decade of my “too’s” and “can’ts”, I finally sat down one day and started meditating. I stopped trying to do it perfectly and instead just started doing it.  I started small, 2 minutes once a day eventually led to 5 minutes led me to start allowing some awesome changes to happen in my life. 

In the decade since I first started meditating, I’ve been pretty consistent: from practicing a wide variety of guided meditations to sitting in mantra-based meditation for 20 minutes twice a day. And, I’ve also been a person who has stopped meditating when my “can’ts” came back to my head.  I survived those periods ok, by the way but,  at the end of the day, the more I’m consistent the less likely I am to act like an asshole. 

Over the past five years I’ve had both the privilege of successfully helping other people who '“can’t” meditate start to meditate, practice mindfulness, take better care of themselves and, thus, become less of an asshole.  I’ve led corporate retreats, weekly sessions for executives and employees, and hosted sessions at everything from birthday parties to international conventions. I continually engage in the practice and study of meditation: reading about, covering media on, and conversing with mindful experts - all in an effort to bring the world of meditation to more people, and bring less assholes to the world.