Organizational Wellness

Effective Leveling-Up of Your Organization

I take a wholistic approach rooted in wellness and neuro-linguistic programming to diagnosing the issues within the organization, recommending and supporting transitions, and steering your team through the necessary changes.

And I empower you to lead the charge.

My experience in working with high-powered individuals naturally grew to working with their organizations and workplaces. I’ve developed an approach that works, identifying issues within the group based on multi-level qualitative and quantitative data, helping level-up employees and team members that work, create and implement processes for staying on track, and helping C-suite executives to restructure organizations to improve bottom-line and the health of the company and entire team.

I want to do the same for you.

My coaching practice utilizes the teachings of mindfulness, meditation, energy cleansing, and neuro-linguistic programming, to help you change the way your business operates, treats it’s end-users and it’s team, and helps you to effectively and enjoyably share your vision, product, and services to the world. My background in marketing and entertainment, and my proven track record with high-powered individuals and major corporations like Universal Studios, GOOGLE, AAGL and more adds an extra layer of positioning you for success across many platforms, including the most important: how you present yourself to the world.

Varying levels of work:

From retreats to full-scape operations, I aim to meet businesses where they are and help them grow. Whether conducting an immersive experience with data outputs, to serving as an interim COO, I’ve been successful in helping organizations realize their potential, cut ties with stakeholders who don’t share the same values, and increase their effectiveness and financial viability.

I am passionate about helping organizations - and the people that both lead and service them - break through stagnation, remove toxicity, and create the world of enjoying what they do for work.


Click the ORGANIZATIONAL COACHING button to fill out a form for an initial call where we can both get a better understanding of our work and how a partnership might benefit your organization.

Corporate & Group Client List

“I was inspired by this kind and giving person who spoke to our youth strength academy ... to make sure we are mindful and tune in to our mental health through meditation. If he can get a hundred juveniles to meditate he is a true superhero.”
Sharon Shuster - Riverside County, CA District Attorney

“So good. Well needed to me and subject was bang on. I felt that Jason was personally talking to me one on one. I am so grateful for this program.”  
Universal Studios Employee